Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Topic Site Reflection

What was this assignment and what was the process? What did I learn?

          In my web design class, for our final, we were asked to create our own website about a topic of our choice. My topic was the Olathe Northwest Soccer program. I used the html coding and css styles that I learned from previous projects, I was able to get a good starting layout for my site. I had 5 tabs/pages, Home, Boys Teams, Girls Teams, Coaches, and Records. I was unable to fill in all the content due to timing and trouble with the layout. I was trying to center the links but I had to get help from my instructor. I also had to put a minimum width so that the banner would fit in the div.  I learned new css styles and html tags to help customize my website.

What would I do differently? What would I do the same?

          I would probably change how I large I made the banner because it made it hard to work with div. I also probably would have changed how I did the tabs, I think that it looks ok and I like the style of it, but I did something that made them difficult to work with. I defiantly would not have changed the layout of my site, I like the way it is set up with the links across the top, right under the banner. 


          Overall, I enjoyed this project. I wish I had more time to work on it. Because making the layout had so many difficulties, I did not have time to put in barely any content. But I did enjoy not having to follow a tutorial and trying to figure out certain things for myself, even though I did have to ask for help on a few things.

Here is one of my pages that has a little bit of content:

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