Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Responsive Web Design

What is responsive web design and why is it important? 

Responsive web design is the design and development of a website responds to the user's behavior, screen size, and platform/orientation. It consists of grids and layouts with an intelligent use of CSS media. A website needs to look good on all platforms (laptops-iPads-iPhones).  It is important because many people use their cell phones now to look online and if your website looks good on a larger laptop screen but not on the phone, your website will be overlooked.  

What are media queries and breakpoints?

Media queries is a CSS3 module allowing content to adapt to the screen that you are viewing the site on. A breakpoint are the point at which the content of your site will respond to the platform with the best layout.

Example of a Responsive Website

This website works in all sizes of platforms. It works on the laptop and also on the phone. The images and text look good in both platforms. With this website, there isn't that much content, it focuses more on the images and animations, but when there is text, it looks great. 

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