Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fun With Photoshop

ONW Compass:
 For my first photoshop project I copied and pasted the ONW compass onto the picture of our school and adjusted the opacity. Next I typed the ONW and changed the opacity.
For the butterfly project I adjusted the hue to change the colors and make it brighter. I used the clone stamp tool to make the wings look like they are fluttering. I personally liked this project the most.
 Northwest Gradient:
For my next photoshop project I used the type mask tool to type "NORTHWEST." I used the gradient tool to get the blue to black to blue affect. I enjoyed this project because I think it looks cool.
ONW Raven:
For the last photoshop project, I used the magnetic lasso tool to trace the raven's head. I had to remove two light posts and two cars from the picture of ONW. I copied and pasted three photos of the inside of the school onto the rave and changed the opacity.

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