Monday, October 19, 2015

"They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets"

         The whole article is pretty much telling you to watch what you say online. If you say something rude or inappropriate on social media it can determine weather or not you get into a good college. Posting something online that is inappropriate can give you a bad reputation. Colleges actually look at your social media accounts to see if they really want you at their school, even if you have good grades, your personality matters.
         It surprised me about how the colleges really care about what you say online. It also surprised me on how some people don't realize how teenagers will be teenagers and people can change. I don't understand why some people think that this is a huge problem. I also don't understand/like how a college will determine weather or not you get in just because of what you say online.  Do they not know that teenagers make mistakes?
        This article doesn't really change the way that I post online because I don't post anything offensive. It will make me more cautious of what I say. I want to get into a good college, so I haven't and won't post anything that is offensive or inappropriate.  

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