Wednesday, May 18, 2016

End of Year Evaluation

Graphic design:

Northwest Gradient: 

For my graphic design project, I chose to do this one. I really enjoyed this project, I like the way it looks. I think this one is my favorite design that I have done all year. 


Animated Name:

I chose this animation for this project because it is my all time favorite animation that I have done. I put a lot of time and effort into this project, I wanted it to look great. I came in early every morning to try and finish it. I was really happy with the outcome. It may not look like much, but it took me a long time to finish, and when I did, I was overjoyed. The full animation is on my blog.


Just Do It:

For my video project, I chose my first video that I ever made in e-Comm. It does have some flaws, but I enjoyed making this project. My teacher agreed to be our main actor which was the best part, he was great. Although I am not taking video next year, he made video my favorite class.

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