Monday, September 19, 2016

Fun With Photoshop

What did I learn/do in Photoshop?

     In the past couple weeks my new graphic design class has been working in Photoshop and editing photos. We learned how to remove unwanted objects or visuals from photos and also how to add on little details with the content-aware and clone and stamp tools.


This was my challenge finished product after working through the tutorials:

We were supposed to use our knowledge of the Photoshop tools and be creative. We were supposed to use pictures of nature and find a way to join the man with the pictures. I chose water as my picture and I tried to make his hair look like a wave, emphasis on the word "tried." Overall, though, I think it looks cool.

For the first picture, we were asked to remove unwanted spots and items with content-aware.
This step was quite easy in my opinion because all you had to do was use the select tool to select the unwanted item and then press "delete" (on a Mac) or "backspace" (on Windows).

For the second picture, we were asked to remove the graphics on the father's shirt. To do this we had to use the lasso tool to make a more detailed selection. After selecting the graphic, we used the patch tool to remove it. We also used the patch tool to "clean up" the shirt from unwanted creases or folds.

For the third picture, there was a large pole that was behind the man's head that we had to remove. To remove it, though, we had to use the clone and stamp tool. This tool copies other elements of the photo and can paste that element onto other parts of the photo.

For the fourth picture, we had to remove a tag from the jacket using the clone and stamp tool and the healing brush.

For the fifth picture, we had to remove dirt specks from the boy's face. To do this we used the spot healing brush.

For the sixth and final picture, we were asked to take three photos of this girl and put them into a collage. We had to use clipping masks, the clone and stamp tool, and the quick selection tool. For the center picture, the girl's arms were cropped out of the picture so we had to take another picture of the girl and use a mask to add on to her arms.

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