Friday, April 28, 2017

New Northwest Mascot?

ONW Ravens or ONW Tigers?

           In web design this week, we were asked to change our school's mascot. Our current mascot is a raven, I changed it to a tiger. I do not really have a specific reasoning behind choosing a tiger besides the fact that I thought it would be fun to vectorize one. 

Here is the current mascot and logo for the Olathe Northwest Ravens:

Here is the mascot and logo for the Olathe Northwest Tigers:

           For this project, I took an image of a tiger and vectored it using the pen tool and the brush tool. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Past Present Future

All of the information in this blog is from my Past, Present, and Future website that I created in Web Design. The main page looks like the first image but the text was too small to see so I typed the information in the blog. This site was created with rollover images (created with the gifs seen in this blog) and just my own knowledge of myself. 

 I was born on April 8, 2001, in Overland Park, Kansas. For 8 years, I lived in a small town in Missouri, Neosho. It is very close to Joplin, Missouri for a reference. I had a boxer named Sally who shed on everything and had horrible breathe with a tongue that was too big for her mouth, but what more could you want from a dog.

My family decided to move closer to distant family during my 4th grade year, which brings me to my current home in Olathe, Kansas.

I am currently a sophomore and still have a loving family, but instead of a boxer (RIP Sally 200?-2015), I now have a cavachon puppy named Plato. I am in the e-Communications program, if you didn't know that already. I am involved in soccer and musical theatre as well.

As of right now, I have no idea what the future has in store for me. I am hoping to major in graphic design in college, maybe go to the School of Design at the University of Minnesota. But I still have 2 years and my mind might change. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Index Website

Previous Index Page

         This past few weeks in web design, we have been working on updating our index website to where we used one of Dreamweaver's templates. This is my previous index page:
          This page was very basic and it just had my elevator pitch from last year and links to websites that I had created. I had the background a repeating sky theme which I though personalized it and made it differ from others in the class. Looking back on this website, I'm definitely glad that I upgraded it. My new index shows how much I have advanced in web design, even if it is not as good as the professionals, I have improved this year.

The New Index 

           This is my new index website. It was made with a Dreamweaver template and is also responsive which means that it adapts to whatever device you are viewing it on. I created my own logo for it as well. I used light/pastel colors. I also rewrote the bio because the elevator pitch was too cheesy for me. This website doesn't only include my websites, but it also includes some of my graphic design projects. 

          The image to the left shows how my website is responsive when the size of the device is changed. 

Genius Hour

This blog is going to be different from my normal e-Comm blog. My chemistry class has been working on this "Genius Hour" project almost all year. The main objective of the project is to make something "better" in the world. My partner, Ariella, and I chose our subject to be how our cell phones impact our sleep.

 Research Plan

Sleep is an important aspect in living a healthy life, but cell phones and social media are preventing people from getting the sleep they need. Teens are known for being on their phone right before falling asleep and even though they lose sleep they continue to be on their devices. This causes many problems since the blue lights and sounds on their devices keep them awake. When on any electronic device that emits blue light, the light restrains the production of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that controls a person’s sleep cycle (Sleep Science). When your brain is focused on social media it makes it much harder to fall asleep (Sleep Science). Sleep is known to lower stress levels and make your immune system stronger (Nimalasuriya, Kshamica). Sleep is also known to help memory by allowing us to remember what’s important and forget what’s not (Max, D.T.). In this project we plan to create an app that will help people fall asleep faster while on their phone.
    In this project we are going to bring together science and animation/graphic design. First we will discover the sciences behind what causes a person to fall asleep. We will collect data on what elements allow people to fall asleep quicker and get a more sufficient sleep. We will use senses such as sight and hearing to help relax your body enough for a more adequate sleep. Using these methods we will then use graphic design and animation to form the app. The app will include games, sounds, pictures, and gifs to relax your senses enough for you to drift off. We will have 14-45 year olds testing this experiment. This experiment requires all ages who would have a smartphone or any electronic device.
    There are really no safety precautions or risks that come with creating this app. The point of this project is to make the world healthier by making less people sleep deprived. The app will turn off the blue lights in the device that cause the restraint of melatonin production, ultimately helping people fall asleep faster. We will analyze the data by testing it out ourselves and seeing if the app causes us to become more tired. We will test it multiple nights, then collect any data afterwards to see if our results can make a difference.



Max, D.T.. Secrets of Sleep (2007). National Geographic.
Nimalasuriya, Kshamica. Is your smartphone keeping you awake at night? (2013). Natural News.

Scary Ways Technology Affects Your Sleep. National Sleep Foundation.