Monday, December 18, 2017

Graphic Design Semester One Reflection

What did I do this semester?

Name Typography 

What is it?

In this project, I was supposed to come up with 12 different adjectives that describe me or activities that I like to do. With those adjectives and activities I was supposed to use typography to portray those words in my first name. 

How long did it take?

 This project took around 2 to 3 weeks to complete. I first worked on sketches, worked it out in illustrator, moved it into indesign, printed the designs out and the cute and mounted them onto a matte board.


Most of the challenges that I faced were during the cutting and mounting stage of the project. I had to reprint and and recut multiple times. With the overall process of creating the names, it was difficult to portray an adjective and activity through my name while still making my name legible.

What did I learn and what was some of the feedback I received? What did I change?

I learned a lot more about typography than I had the past. Every year of graphic design that I've had had gone over typography and I learned a little bit, but during this project, I learned how type can effect a whole project. Most of the feedback I received was about the legibility of my name from further away. I needed to up the weight on some of my strokes are make my name bigger. I went in and tried my best to fix some of the designs to make them more legible.

Outcome and Opinion

Overall, I really enjoyed this project and thought that it turned out well. It was a good project to start off the year. Although it was challenging at times, I liked the challenge and it was fun to try to think outside the box.

Handwritten Typography

What is it?

In this project, I was supposed to created a greeting card or a holiday card and have my own handwritten type be the main focus. My friends and I have a Christmas in October party and it was around that time of the year so I decided to created my card based on that. 

How long did it take?

This project took about 3 to 4 weeks. I started with some rough sketches of different ideas and cards. When I decided on a sketch, I recreated it but more cleaned up, almost like it had just been printed. After that, I scanned my sketch into the computer and cleaned up what little needed to be cleaned up. 


The most challenging part was trying to make my sketch look perfect. I had to redraw it multiple times and rescan it multiple times. Another difficult task was finding the right colors. It is difficult to make Christmas and Fall colors look good together. 

What did I learn and what was some of the feedback I received? What did I change?

I learned even more about type than I thought possible during the making of this project. The feedback that I received was the legibility of the card from far away and how to make it "pop" at first glance. The card said "Christmas in October" and the "in" was difficult to see from far away. I tried my best to make it easier to read by switching up the colors a little bit and upping the weight. 

Outcome and Opinion

The outcome of this project is not my favorite, I feel like I could have done better or that I should have chosen a different concept. The colors, in my opinion, do not go well together. I like the layout of my type but the color just takes away from it. I enjoyed the process of creating the whole project, but it was not the best outcome in my opinion.

Ezekiel's Enchantments 

What is it?

In class, I was given 4 different papers, one had two letters, another had an animal, one had a mineral, and the last one had a number. My letters were EE, my animal was an ostrich, my mineral was copper, and the number I received was 3. I had to create a company based on this information. I decided on Ezekiel's Enchantments. Ezekiel's Enchantments in a small shop where Ezekiel makes custom dreamcatchers with ostrich feathers and copper wiring. 

How long did it take?

This project took a long time, I had to create a logo, a letterhead, a business card, an envelope, an app icon, and a store mockup. There was a lot of time and effort that went into this project.


The challenges that I had were creating and choosing a logo that fit well with the product and the overall feel of the "company." I created multiple logos in illustrator after sketching them out, some of my concepts looked better in sketches than digitally. 

What did I learn and what was some of the feedback I received? What did I change?

While creating this project, I learned of important a clean and concise logo is. The feedback I received was about how I could even out the sizes of the symbol and the type. I was also reminded again on how important type is and its effect. 

Outcome and Opinion

I enjoyed this project a lot and I think that it turned out quite well, I know there is a lot of room for improvement, but I am not upset with the outcome of the project.


Business Card:



App Icon:

Store Mockup:

How did I use my time in class?

I feel as though that I have used my time in class wisely. I do not have the creative cloud programs installed on my own personal computer so I cannot work on the projects at home. I was absent a few times during this semester but I never felt behind. If I needed to, I would come in before school or during lunch to work, but I rarely needed to. Most of my sketches are created outside of school so thatI have more time to work on the computers when I am at school. If I do finish the class project early, I will work on client work if I have any, or I'll work on random graphic design projects. 

Areas of strength

I feel that I have a creative eye when it comes to graphic design. I try my best to think outside of the box and yet make my projects make sense. I will judge posters or logos anywhere at any time and think about if I thin its a good poster or logo. 

Areas of Improvement 

I need to get better at using Illustrator and Photoshop. I will have these cool ideas that could turn out amazing, but I don't know how to execute them well on the computer. 


What did I love most?

I loved the freedom that I was given this semester. If I wasn't working on a class project, I was working on client work or just graphics that I enjoyed creating. 

What would I change?

I would probably change my communication skills, I feel like I was not confident enough to go around and ask others to give feedback on my works.  I would probably try new ideas on some of my projects as well.

Overall take-away

I learned a lot about graphic design this semester. More than I have in any other graphic design class that I have taken. A lot of it being typography. Typography is everywhere and it effects the entire graphic.


My goal for next semester is to learn more about Illustrator and Photoshop and to try and learn new tricks in the programs and just improve on my technical skills.

Final Thoughts

Overall, this has been my favorite year of graphic design. I have learned a lot and I am hoping that I can create a solid portfolio for future jobs and colleges. 

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