Thursday, May 25, 2017

Web Design Semester Reflection


          Learning how to use Dreamweaver and TextMate were both challenging and exciting at the same time. I enjoyed learning the coding and how it all worked. I think that learning the code is important because sometimes it can be difficult to edit your website through design or live view. But I defiantly improved on my technical skills in web design this semester/year. 


           During my time in web, I never felt like I couldn't ask someone for help or what they thought of my project. I had no problem with asking the people around me or asking Mr. Olson. I think that being able to communicate with the people around you is very important because you're going to need that skill for your entire life. The only challenging part of communication/collaboration is taking constructive criticism.

Project Management

          I think that the biggest problem I had in web design was the project management. I think that I work better under pressure and in this class I felt that there was nothing pressuring me to get things done. I still have my sites turned in, it just took me longer to finish the certain sites. I also felt that when I was excited for a project, I would finish it before it was even due because I enjoyed making it.


            I don't think that there was much opportunity to show leadership in this class. If people were to ask me for help or what I thought on their site/project, I would help and give feedback. 


            One of my biggest strengths in web design is that I have a creative eye and I know what colors look good together. In other words, I am better at the "design" aspect of web design.


             As much as I enjoy coding, I am not the best at it. I want to learn more about coding in both HTML and CSS.  I could also improve on my technical skills in general.

What am I going to do with what I learned?

            Sadly, I am not going into web design next year, but I do think that the basic skills that I learned in web will be very beneficial in the future. I think that being able to create a website is a good quality to have when you are looking for jobs. I am going in to graphic design next year and I think that I will still be using my index page to showcase some of my works. Overall, I'm glad that I took web deign.

What would I change?

            I hated Flash. I would have changed the whole Flash projects. I also would have changed the way that we learned how to code. I wanted to learn more about coding, we got a small lecture over coding at the very beginning of the year, but it wasn't enough for me. I also, personally, did not like following video tutorials for creating websites, but that's just my preference. 


           I'm glad that I took this class. I think that it was an important class to take and I am glad that I have a basic understanding of web design. I will definitely use the skills that I have learned in the future and I had a good time in this class. 

Crupper Composition: 

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