Thursday, December 17, 2015

Animated House

   Today was our last day in animation for this year. We were told to follow a blueprint and construct a house. We had many houses to choose from, but I chose "The Easton" because my brother's name is Easton. I enjoyed working on this project. It is not my favorite of the work that I have done, but I enjoyed creating it. We had to make our house into a video animation so that the viewer can see all sides of the house. I feel like if I had more time to work on this project and personalize in in my own way, it would look better, but I had to finish it today.

My Webpage!

   In animation we made our first webpage! I actually really enjoyed this project. i found it pretty easy, I just read the directions that my teacher gave me. I can see how this could be difficult, but our teacher did most of the set up and all we had to was transfer the information. I didn't think that I would enjoy this project as much as I did, but it was actually pretty fun.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sketch Up Dog

     My class is working in Sketch Up right now, and we were instructed to follow a blueprint and build a dog house. We had to use the exact measurements that the blueprint gave us and we could decorate it however we wanted.

Friday, November 13, 2015

10 Words that Describe Me

This is a video animation of 10 words that describe me.

Animated Name

     For this animation project, my class used photoshop to animate our names. We were supposed to use a normal font that looks like someone's handwriting, but my friend and I wanted more of a challenge.  We used a font called "Doodle Gum," it did turn out to be a bit of a challenge, but it was worth it in my opinion. I am happy with how it turned out.

My Name Personality Type

   Myers-Briggs Quiz 

        My personality type is ESFJ, which means I'm and extrovert, sensor, feeler, and judger. This means that I put others before me and I'm loyal and warmhearted. I share my personality type with Anne Hathaway and Whitney Huston.
       I feel like the personality type that I got was pretty close to who I think I am. The only trait that I got that wasn't close to being in between both was extrovert. I got 1% judging which surprises me because I thought I was more of a perceiver, but I am more in between both.  When I found out my score, I wasn't really surprised, I've known that I portray these traits.

      When I get assigned in groups I am more comfortable than most people. I like to take charge in my group. I also think of everyone else's opinion so everyone is happy with the project. I don't feel like people don't understand me. I don't think anyone really has any issues with how I am. I put others before myself which might annoy some people, but I don't believe that it is an "issue."

      I was not really surprised with my results of this test. The most trait that I received was the 1% judging, but I am more in between judging and perceiving.


Bouncing Ball Part 2

    For this animation project, we were supposed to take what we learned from our first bouncing ball project and make this ball bounce across the screen. We used squash and stretched, ease in and ease out, and arcs.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bouncing Ball

First Animation Project

For my first animation project, I used the squash and stretch principle. Using this principle helps create the illusion that the ball is moving faster and that it squashes when it hits the ground.

Monday, October 19, 2015

"They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets"

         The whole article is pretty much telling you to watch what you say online. If you say something rude or inappropriate on social media it can determine weather or not you get into a good college. Posting something online that is inappropriate can give you a bad reputation. Colleges actually look at your social media accounts to see if they really want you at their school, even if you have good grades, your personality matters.
         It surprised me about how the colleges really care about what you say online. It also surprised me on how some people don't realize how teenagers will be teenagers and people can change. I don't understand why some people think that this is a huge problem. I also don't understand/like how a college will determine weather or not you get in just because of what you say online.  Do they not know that teenagers make mistakes?
        This article doesn't really change the way that I post online because I don't post anything offensive. It will make me more cautious of what I say. I want to get into a good college, so I haven't and won't post anything that is offensive or inappropriate.  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fun With Photoshop

ONW Compass:
 For my first photoshop project I copied and pasted the ONW compass onto the picture of our school and adjusted the opacity. Next I typed the ONW and changed the opacity.
For the butterfly project I adjusted the hue to change the colors and make it brighter. I used the clone stamp tool to make the wings look like they are fluttering. I personally liked this project the most.
 Northwest Gradient:
For my next photoshop project I used the type mask tool to type "NORTHWEST." I used the gradient tool to get the blue to black to blue affect. I enjoyed this project because I think it looks cool.
ONW Raven:
For the last photoshop project, I used the magnetic lasso tool to trace the raven's head. I had to remove two light posts and two cars from the picture of ONW. I copied and pasted three photos of the inside of the school onto the rave and changed the opacity.

My Logo~HC

For my logo, I used a circle because I am well rounded. I used blue because it reminds me of the ocean or lake. It is very simple, its not too busy. Music completes my life so I used music notes on my logo. Instead of filling in the notes with plain black, I used the letters in my name to fill them. I feel like my logo represents me in many ways. Another reason i went with the circle is because I play soccer and a soccer ball is round.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Color Wheel

    There are three groups in the color wheel, primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colors are green, purple, and orange. The tertiary colors are in between the primary and secondary colors. Colors make every project more fun. The different colors can help personalize each person's design.

Monday, August 24, 2015

What is Graphic Design

     Graphic design is a way for me to connect with the person who is viewing my work. It makes my life more organized and just makes life easier. Graphic design helps people express what they're feeling without having to say them out loud. It is used in everyday life and people don't even notice it. When I use graphic design, I personalize it so that when people see it they notice that I made it or that it is unique in some way.

Graphic Design Artical