Friday, October 7, 2016

The Raccoon Project


        For the past couple of weeks, my graphic design class has been working in Illustrator. We were asked to create a raccoon and then add on leaves, berries, and/or nuts. After we finished that portion of the project, we had to design a postcard that had our raccoon somewhere on it. We used many different tools in Illustrator, such as, pathfinder, the ellipse tool, etc. I personally liked working in photoshop more than I did Illustrator but I still enjoyed working on this project.

The Raccoon

This was my original raccoon. As you can see, the background is not very appealing, I felt that the deadline for this was a bit rushed which is why I did not spend much time with thebackground. I had time after school to go in and work on the background, so that is what I did.
        This is my modified project. I went in and added a skyline, some clouds and grass. I enjoyed creating this raccoon, even though there were some difficulties with the pathfinder tool. I do need to work on adding more depth in the background but like I said before, I felt like the deadline was a bit rushed.

The Postcard

        After we finished our raccoon, we had to create a postcard and put the raccoon somewhere on it. We also had to use our own handwriting for the typography. I decided that my postcard would be winter holiday themed. I enjoyed this portion of the project the most because I had more time to personalize it and make it my own.

Final Thoughts

        Overall this project was very fun and enjoyable. I am looking forward to working more with the Adobe software and creating new projects.  

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